About CBS Ltd

In 2001, our CEO Pat McCosker took early retirement from his position as a Bank Manager and turned his 30 years of banking, finance and tax experience to the field of legal accounts. Starting out with a handful of clients, he developed his custom in house reconciliation programmes and quality assurance triple check testing.

These programmes and checks have been expanded and developed over the years to take into account changes and updates from The Law Society and The Revenue Commissioners, but they remain the backbone of CBS – ensuring that our clients are fully up to date, balanced & compliant.

tax, forms, income

Since 2001, we have helped dozens of practices – for some, we have prepared their accounts for years, giving compliance guidance on a monthly basis, for others we have provided bookkeeper training and set up in house systems to enable them to carry out their own reconciliations and compliance checks.

A number of clients have come to us in times of need – perhaps after a law society inspection found faults, or a bookkeeper has left and a replacement cannot be found; we have helped in many such situations – getting the accounts back on track and ensuring practice compliance and setting up new processes to maintain high standards.